Staff & Industry
EducationEducation & training of DMO Staff and their industry partners to help them make the most of the digital tools available to them.
Digital Capability Building
Miles has been running digital marketing education and benchmarking programmes for a vast number of clients for close to two decades. We can bring expertise on the latest trends impacting tourism and digital marketing, the opportunities for positive change and the areas of skill that make the most difference.
For the last 36 years, Southeast Tourism Society has worked to unite all segments of the travel and tourism industry through our four pillars of education, advocacy, recognition, and networking.
When it comes to education, Miles Partnership is a leading STS partner in providing educational content for our travel and tourism professionals.
For over a decade, Miles has been instrumental in supporting our annual Marketing College program, now in its 29th year. After attending Marketing College for one week a year, the attendees of this three-year program receive their travel marketing professional certification.
To date, more than 1200 industry professionals have received their TMP certification. Miles has been instrumental in keeping the content of Marketing College current and relevant – especially the use of digital marketing.
Many of our DMO members are smaller organizations with limited resources, and in many cases fairly limited digital marketing skills. They come to Marketing College to build their confidence and capabilities – and Miles is an important part of delivering that result.
Our post-event surveys have made it clear: Miles team members’ presentations of digital and other educational content are impactful, easy to understand, actionable, and fun!
We are thrilled that Miles remains an essential partner in our continued work to strengthen the travel and tourism industry.
We’re really pleased with the results of expanding the Wanaka region’s profile on Google. This has meant information on our region is more accurate and helped double the number of eyeballs on Wanaka content with views of images and posts on Google equalling the views on our own website.
The Google DMO Programme gave Lake Wanaka Tourism the chance to engage closely with its members and provide tangible and valuable business support & development.

Thank you for a very informative workshop. I learnt a lot and it’s great to be able to implement what I learned. Google is one of our biggest leads for new business so to maximise our exposure is really important.
Thank you Miles for the workshops for my team. This is what we were longing for – Social Media and Digital Strategy Training. It was refreshing and has enabled the team to be more focused on the right and necessary information.
Miles included a wide range of their experts on destination and digital marketing from their staff in New Zealand and the US – but also brought in other international speakers. The programme was very well received and highly valued by our members. The content was clear, easy to understand and actionable. Miles were great partners to work with in this important programme for RTNZ.
Google DMO Partnership Programme
Lake Wanaka Tourism
Boosting Lake Wanaka’s visibility on Google & empowering local businesses to increase their digital skills & online presence.